Allan J. Rossman
Dickinson College
Thomas H. Short
Villanova University
Matthew T. Parks
Boston University
Journal of Statistics Education v.6, n.3 (1998)
Copyright (c) 1998 by Allan J. Rossman, Thomas H. Short, and Matthew T. Parks, all rights reserved. This text may be freely shared among individuals, but it may not be republished in any medium without express written consent from the authors and advance notification of the editor.
Key Words: Highest posterior density interval; Improper prior distribution.
Classical estimators for the
parameter of a uniform distribution on the interval
are often discussed in mathematical statistics courses, but students
are frequently left wondering how to distinguish which among the
variety of classical estimators are better than the others. We show
how classical estimators can be derived as Bayes estimators from a
family of improper prior distributions. We believe that linking the
estimation criteria in a Bayesian framework is of value to students in
a mathematical statistics course, and we believe that the students
benefit from the exposure to Bayesian methods. In addition, we compare
classical and Bayesian interval estimators for the parameter
and illustrate the Bayesian analysis with an example.
1 The continuous uniform distribution is widely studied in mathematical
statistics textbooks and courses in part because classical estimation
criteria produce different estimators for the parameter.
have independent uniform distributions on the interval
the likelihood function is
2 The maximum likelihood estimator of
while the minimum variance unbiased estimator is
Furthermore, among estimators of the form
the one which minimizes the mean squared error
These results can be found in many textbooks on mathematical statistics,
including Freund (1992),
Hogg and Craig (1978), and
Larsen and Marx (1986).
3 While we find this example useful for helping students discover that classical estimation criteria can in fact lead to different estimators, we nevertheless feel a sense of unease when students naturally ask which estimator is ``better.'' At this point we are tempted to turn from the competing desirability criteria of the classical approach to the unifying philosophy and analysis strategy of a Bayesian framework. As we will show, this example is ideal in that a Bayesian analysis with a simple family of improper prior distributions provides a direct link among several classical estimators.
4 Moreover, we contend that students of mathematical statistics should explore principles of Bayesian inference for a variety of reasons. One is that the development and use of Bayesian methods are on the increase. A growing number of papers appearing in statistical forums such as the Journal of the American Statistical Association represent the Bayesian approach, and even some applied statisticians have adopted a Bayesian viewpoint. The American Statistician recently presented a collection of papers by Berry (1997), Moore (1997), and Albert (1997), with accompanying discussion, exploring the value of a Bayesian perspective in an introductory statistics course.
5 A second reason for encouraging students to study the Bayesian paradigm is that it models the process of science. Berry (1997) writes that ``science progresses with scientists altering their opinions as information accumulates, and with scientists trying to persuade other scientists of the correctness of their opinions.'' Eliciting opinions, updating after observing data, and quantifying uncertainty using probability distributions are all part of Bayesian statistics.
6 A third motivation for studying Bayesian statistics is that students might better understand classical procedures and estimation criteria by studying them in comparison to Bayesian methods.
7 Few undergraduate texts present a Bayesian analysis of the continuous
uniform distribution, although DeGroot (1986),
Lee (1989), and DeGroot
(1970) present the Pareto distribution as a conjugate family of
prior distributions. One can adopt a simpler form for the prior
distribution by considering improper priors which do not integrate to
one but still perform the same function as a proper prior
distribution. For instance, if one chooses the flat improper prior
distribution of the form
the posterior distribution is proportional to the likelihood
This posterior distribution is proper provided that n > 1,
with the constant of proportionality turning out to be
Assuming a quadratic loss function, the Bayes estimator
equals the posterior mean
8 In fact, one can derive all estimators of this form from a Bayesian
perspective. Consider the family of prior distributions having the form
These distributions are improper for any real k.
The resulting posterior distribution is
which is proper when k + n > 1 with the constant
of proportionality equaling
The posterior mean exists when k + n > 2, producing a
Bayes estimator of
9 Positive values of k can be interpreted to represent k
unobserved uniform random variables on the interval
Larger values of k put more prior weight on smaller values of
and therefore produce lower posterior estimates.
10 One can also compare classical and Bayesian
interval estimators of the parameter
The classical
confidence interval for
From the Bayesian perspective, a
highest probability density (HPD) interval for
using the family of improper prior
distributions described above, turns out to be
The classical and Bayesian interval
estimators are therefore the same when k = 1.
11 The choice of k = 1 comes highly recommended from the
Bayesian literature because it corresponds to the Jeffreys' prior,
which is in this case a standard noninformative prior distribution for
a scale parameter. The Jeffreys' prior is noninformative because it is
invariant to parameter transformations. For example,
may be transformed to obtain standard deviation
or variance
The prior
is equivalent to priors
on the standard deviation or scale parameters, respectively. Furthermore,
is noninformative on the ratio scale -- for a given constant c, it
implies that all intervals of the form
are equally likely for any choice of x.
See, for example, Box and Tiao (1973) for
more information about Jeffreys' priors.
12 Larger values of k in the prior distribution represent increased prior certainty about the value of the parameter, and thus produce narrower posterior HPD intervals.
13 As an example suppose that n = 12 and that the observed data are:
Figure 1. Prior and Posterior Distributions for k = 0.
Table 1. Bayes Estimates for Various Values of k
k |
Bayes estimate (posterior mean) |
Upper bound of 95% HPD interval |
Bayesian interpretation |
Classical interpretation |
-2 | 36.23 | 44.92 | ||
-1 | 35.78 | 43.45 | ||
0 | 35.42 | 42.28 | flat prior | |
1 | 35.13 | 41.33 | Jeffreys' prior | confidence interval |
2 | 34.88 | 40.55 | unbiased estimate | |
3 | 34.68 | 39.88 | minimum MSE estimate | |
4 | 34.50 | 39.32 |
Figure 2. Bayes Estimates and 95% HPD Interval Upper Bounds.
14 We have demonstrated that a Bayesian framework unites the various classical estimators produced by different estimation criteria for the parameter of a continuous uniform distribution. The Bayes estimators arise from a family of improper prior distributions and highlight both differences and similarities of Bayesian and classical analyses.
15 We believe that this comparison can help students of mathematical statistics
both to gain valuable experience with Bayesian methods and also to understand
classical estimation criteria more fully.
The authors thank Jerry Moreno, Jeff Witmer, three anonymous referees, and the editor for comments that improved the quality of this article.
Albert, J. (1997), "Teaching Bayes' Rule: A Data-Oriented Approach," The American Statistician, 51, 247-253.
Berry, D. A. (1997), "Teaching Elementary Bayesian Statistics with Real Applications in Science," The American Statistician, 51, 241-246.
Box, G. E. P., and Tiao, G. C. (1973), Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
DeGroot, M. H. (1970), Optimal Statistical Decisions, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
----- (1986), Probability and Statistics (2nd ed.), Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Freund, J. E. (1992), Mathematical Statistics (5th ed.), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Hogg, R. V., and Craig, A. T. (1978), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4th ed.), New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
Larsen, R. J., and Marx, M. L. (1986), An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications (2nd ed.), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Lee, P. M. (1989), Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction, New York: Oxford University Press.
Moore, D. S. (1997), "Bayes for Beginners? Some Reasons to Hesitate," The American Statistician, 51, 247-253.
Allan J. Rossman
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA 17013
Thomas H. Short
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085
Matthew T. Parks
Department of Political Science
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215