The Journal of Statistics Education gratefully acknowledges the
following people who have served as referees between November 1997 and
November 1998.
Sarah K. Abramowitz, New York University
Jim Albert, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
Jon E. Anderson, University of Minnesota at Morris
Robert J. Anderson, University of Illinois at Chicago
Douglas Andrews, Wittenberg University, Ohio
Karla V. Ballman, Macalester College, Minnesota
John Behrens, Arizona State University
Barney Beins, Ithaca College, New York
Gabriella Belli, Virginia Tech
Donald L. Bentley, Pomona College, California
Jim Bentley, Winthrop University, South Carolina
Donald Berry, Duke University, North Carolina
Carol Joyce Blumberg, Winona State University, Minnesota
Thomas E. Bradstreet, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme, Pennsylvania
George Bright, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Paul Bugl, University of Hartford, Connecticut
Ann R. Cannon, Cornell College, Iowa
Daphna Carmeli, University of Haifa, Israel
Robert Carver, Stonehill College, Massachusetts
Wendy Catchpole, University of New South Wales, Australia
Beth L. Chance, University of the Pacific, California
Yung-Pin Chen, Smith College, Massachusetts
Rick Cleary, Cornell University, New York
William T. Coombs, Oklahoma State University
Robert J. MacG. Dawson, Saint Mary's University, Nova Scotia
Harold Delaney, New Mexico State University
Brant Deppa, Winona State University, Minnesota
Janice Derr, The Pennsylvania State University
Carolyn Dobler, Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota
Jianping Dong, Michigan Tech University
Sandra Fillebrown, St. Joseph's University, Pennsylvania
Iddo Gal, University of Haifa, Israel
Joan B. Garfield, University of Minnesota
Malcolm Getz, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
John A. Gillespie, The University of Michigan-Dearborn
Gary Gillund, College of Wooster, Ohio
Steven G. Gilmour, The University of Reading, United Kingdom
Lynda Ginsburg, University of Pennsylvania
Carla Goad, Oklahoma State University
Suzanne E. Graham, Harvard University, Massachusetts
William D. Grant, State University of New York at Syracuse
Katherine Halvorsen, Smith College, Massachusetts
Melinda Harder, Bates College, Maine
William Harkness, The Pennsylvania State University
Bradley A. Hartlaub, Kenyon College, Ohio
Robert W. Hayden, Plymouth State College, New Hampshire
Shirley Hensch, University of Wisconsin Center
Tim Hesterberg, Franklin & Marshall College, Pennsylvania
John P. Holcomb, Youngstown State University, Ohio
Peter Holmes, University of Sheffield, England
Norma F. Hubele, Arizona State University
Gudmund R. Iversen, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania
Joseph Janes, University of Michigan
Roger W. Johnson, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Thomas Johnson, North Carolina State University
Valen Johnson, Duke University, North Carolina
Flavia Jolliffe, University of Greenwich, England
Cliff Konold, University of Massachusetts
Lawrence Lesser, University of Northern Colorado
Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University, New York
Margaret Mackisack, New South Wales, Australia
Brenda Masters, Oklahoma State University
William Meeker, Iowa State University
Thomas L. Moore, Grinnell College, Iowa
Jerry Moreno, John Carroll University, Ohio
Clare Morris, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Azhar Nizam, Emory University, Georgia
William I. Notz, Ohio State University
Ann Aileen O'Connell, University of Memphis, Tennessee
Barr von Oehsen, Piedmont College, Georgia
Patrick Onghena, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Joseph Petruccelli, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts
Rebecca L. Pierce, Ball State University, Indiana
Jeffrey Pontius, University of Wyoming
Allan J. Rossman, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania
Deborah J. Rumsey, Kansas State University
Shlomo Sawilowsky, Wayne State University, Michigan
Richard Scheaffer, University of Florida
Gilberte Schuyten, University of Ghent, Belgium
Carl J. Schwarz, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
Thomas H. Short, Villanova University, Pennsylvania
Jeffrey S. Simonoff, New York University
Terry Sloan, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Eric R. Sowey, University of New South Wales, Australia
Leonard Stefanski, North Carolina State University
W. Robert Stephenson, Iowa State University
Hal Stern, Iowa State University
Christine Straker, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
Stephanie Stray, Warwick Business School, United Kingdom
David Sylwester, University of Tennessee
John Taffe, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Mitchell R. Watnik, University of Missouri-Rolla
Jane Watson, University of Tasmania, Australia
Dex Whittinghill, Rowan University, New Jersey
Joe Wisenbaker, University of Georgia
Jeffrey Witmer, Oberlin College, Ohio
Karl L. Wuensch, East Carolina University, North Carolina
Dana Yagil, University of Haifa, Israel
Martin Young, University of Michigan School of Business
Cathy Zimmer, North Carolina State University
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