An International Journal on the Teaching and Learning of Statistics
JSE Referees 2010 - 2011
The Journal of Statistics Education gratefully acknowledges
the following people who have served as referees between December 2010 and November 2011:
Sarah K. Abramowitz, Drew University
Jim Albert, Bowling Green University
Kirk Anderson, Grand Valley State University
Christine Anderson-Cook, Los Alamos National Lab
Matthew Beckman, University of Minnesota
Don Beeson, General Electric Aviation
Tim Berquist, Northwest Christian College
Ayse Aysin Bilgin, Macquarie University
Audbjorg Bjornsdottir, University of Minnesota
Erin Blankenship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
KB Boomer, Bucknell University
Edward Boone, Virginia Commonwealth University
Thomas Bradstreet, Merck Research Labs
Nick Broers, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Bruce Carlson, Ohio University
Nichole Carlson, University of Colorado-Denver
Rob Carver, Stonehill College
Mine Cetinkaya, University of California-Los Angeles
Patti Collings, Brigham Young University
Robert C. delMas, University of Minnesota
John A. DeLuca, Eaton Quality Institute
Christine Demarsce-DeMars, James Madison University
Robert Downer, Grand Valley State University
Thomas Early, General Electric Global Research
Michelle Everson, University of Minnesota
Amy Froelich, Iowa State University
Michael Fugate, Los Alamos National Lab
Martha Gardner, General Electric Global Research
Joan Garfield, University of Minnesota
Corey Guenther, Creighton University
Ulrike Genschel, Iowa State University
Ellen Gundlach, Purdue University
David Gurney, Southeastern Louisiana University
Owen P. Hall, Jr., Pepperdine University
Stacey Hancock, Clark University
Donncha Hanna, Queen's University, Belfast
Johanna Hardin, Pomona College
Danielle Harvey, University of California-Davis
Tisha Hooks, Winona State University
Nicholas Horton, Smith College
Rebekah Isaak, University of Minnesota
Todd Iverson, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Jann-Huei Jinn, Grand Valley State University
Albyn Jones, Reed College
Daniel Kaplan, Macalester College
Jennifer J. Kaplan, University of Georgia
Steve Kass, Drew University
Young Rae Kim, University of Minnesota
Eileen King, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Kenneth Ko, Pepperdine University
Michael Larsen, George Washington University
Michael Lavine, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Laura Le, University of Minnesota
Suhwon Lee, University of Missouri
Lawrence Lesser, The University of Texas at El Paso
Sandra Madden, University of Massachusetts–Amherst
Chris Malone, Winona State University
Pamela Matheson, Mount Holyoke College
Herb McGraff, Bowling Green State University
Jareen Meinzen-Derr, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Weiwen Miao, Haverford College
Jackie Miller, The Ohio State University
Kirk Miller, Franklin & Marshall College
Page C. Moore, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Jerry Moreno, John Carroll University
Madhuri Mulekar, University of South Alabama
Dean Nelson, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
Rebecca Nichols, American Statistical Association
Joe Nolan, Northern Kentucky University
William Notz, The Ohio State University
Eric Nordmoe, Kalamazoo College
Sango Otieno, Grand Valley State University
David Palmer, Smith College
William Parr, China Europe International Business School
S. Camille Peres, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Adriana Pérez, University of Texas School of Public Health
Jamis Perrett, Texas A&M University
Thomas Pfaff, Ithaca College
Rebecca L. Pierce, Ball State University
Joseph Pigeon, Villanova University
Adam Pintar, The National Institute of Standards and Technology
Brandy Pitcher, Duke University
Michael Posner, Villanova University
Samantha Prins, James Madison University
Eleanor Pullenayegum, McMaster University
Diann Reischman, Grand Valley State University
Kevin S. Robinson, Millersville University
Neal Rogness, Grand Valley State University
Jorge Romeu, SUNY-Cortland
Juana Sanchez, University of California–Los Angeles
Richard Scheaffer, University of Florida
Michael Schuckers, St. Lawrence University
Gerald Shoultz, Grand Valley State University
Jeffrey Sklar, California Polytechnic State University
Leigh Slauson, Capital University
Melissa M. Sovak, California University of Pennsylvania
Eric Sowey, University of New South Wales, Australia
W. Robert Stephenson, Iowa State University
Wayne Stewart, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Micah Stohlmann, University of Minnesota
Heidi Sucharew, Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center
Ameina (Summerlin) Tressler, University of South Alabama
Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University
David Vlieger, Northwest Missouri State University
Liping Wang, General Electric Global Research
Richard L. Warr, Air Force Institute of Technology
Jane Watson, University of Tasmania
Janice Weinberg, Boston University
David Weltman, University of Texas-Arlington
Bethany White, University of Western Ontario
Dex Whittinghill, Rowan University
Chris Wichman, University of Nebraska
Samuel P. Wilcock, Messiah College
Andre Wineland, Washington University
Jacqueline Wroughton, Northern Kentucky University
David Zeitler, Grand Valley State University
Andrew Zieffler, University of Minnesota
Laura Ziegler, University of Minnesota
Sandra L. Zirkes, Bowling Green State University