An International Journal on the Teaching and Learning of Statistics
JSE Referees 2009 - 2010
The Journal of Statistics Education gratefully acknowledges
the following people who have served as referees between December 2009 and November 2010:
Dor Abrahamson, University of California
Sarah K. Abramowitz, Drew University
Jim Albert, Bowling Green University
Jon Anderson, University of Minnesota-Morris
Kirk Anderson, Grand Valley State University
Christine Anderson-Cook, Los Alamos National Lab
Pam Arroway, North Carolina State University
David Banks, Duke University
Don Beeson, General Electric Aviation
Tim Berquist, Northwest Christian College
Erin Blankenship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Carol Joyce Blumberg, U.S. Energy Information Administration
Marjorie Bond, Monmouth College
Dennis Boos, North Carolina State University
Patrick Boudreault, California State University - Northridge
Nick Broers, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Alberto Candel, California State University
Rob Carver, Stonehill College
Kwong Chan, Isenberg School of Mgmt. at UMASS-Amherst
Jessica Chapman, St. Lawrence University
Virginia Clark, Waverly Middle School, Waverly, Nebraska
Bruce Collings, Brigham Young University
Patti Collings, Brigham Young University
Doreen Connors, Nottingham Trent University
Dianne Cook, Iowa State University
Linda Cooper, Towson University
Robert C. DelMas, University of Minnesota
Martin Dempster, Queens University-Belfast
E. Jacquelin Dietz, Meredith College
Ivo Dinov, University of California-Los Angeles
Robert Downer, Grand Valley State University
William M. Duckworth, Creighton University
Marc Edgar, General Electric Global Research
Richard L. Einsporn, University of Akron
Patricia B. Elmore, Southern Illinois University
Julius Esunge, University of Mary Washington
Michelle Everson, University of Minnesota
Christine Franklin, University of Georgia
Daniel Frobish, Grand Valley State University
Amy Froelich, Iowa State University
Martha Gardner, General Electric Global Research
Alicia Gram, Smith College
Jenny Green, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Randall Groth, Salisbury State University
Ellen Gundlach, Purdue University
Stacey Hancock, Reed College
Brad Hartlaub, Kenyon College
Heike Hofman, Iowa State University
John Holcomb, Cleveland State University
Soon Hong, Grand Valley State University
S. Jeanne Horst, Eastern Mennonite University
Nicholas Horton, Smith College
Peter Howley, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Robert W. Jernigan, American University
Tanya Jimenez, Schreined University
David Jonassen, University of Missouri
Albyn Jones, Reed College
Gary Kader, Appalachian State University
Jennifer Kaplan, Michigan State University
April Kerby, Winona State University
Eileen King, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Jason Kopp, James Madison University
Jessica Lakin, Drew University
Michael D. Larsen, George Washington University
Lu Lu, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Leigh Lunsford, Longwood University
Deborah Lurie, Saint Joseph's University
Sandra Madden, University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Colin McCulloch, General Electric Global Research
Herle McGowan, North Carolina State University
John McKenzie, Babson College
Mary Meyer, Colorado State University
Weiwen Miao, Haverford College
Jackie Miller, The Ohio State University
Jamie D. Mills, University of Alabama
Thomas Moore, Grinnell College
Madhuri Mulekar, University of South Alabama
Dan Mundfrom, New Mexico State University
Nyaradzo H. Mvududu, Seattle Pacific University
Joe Nolan, Northern Kentucky University
Eric Nordmoe, Kalamazoo College
Allan Pannell, University of Tennessee
Carol Parke, Duquesne University
William Parr, China Europe International Business School
Jamie Peterson, St. Catherine University
Eleanor Pullenayegum, McMaster University
Ivan Ramler, St. Lawrence University
Enriqueta Reston, University of San Carlos (Philippines)
Mary Richardson, Grand Valley State University
Naomi Robbins, NBR Graphics
Kevin S. Robinson, Millersville University
Anne Roggeveen, Babson College
Neal Rogness, Grand Valley State University
David Anthony Ross, University of Melbourne
Soma Roy, California Polytechnic Institute at San Luis Obispo
Juana Sanchez, University of California – Los Angeles
Kendra Schmid, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Kady Schneiter, Utah State University
Michael Schuckers, St. Lawrence University
Julia Sharp, Clemson University
Michael Shaughnessy, University of Portland
Lewis Shoemaker, Millersville University
Gerald Shoultz, Grand Valley State University
Sean Simpson, Westchester Community College
Leigh Slauson, Capital University
Martha Smith, University of Texas
Gary Sneddon, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Eric Sowey, University of New South Wales, Australia
Katie St. Clair, Carleton College
Paul Stephenson, Grand Valley State University
W. Robert Stephenson, Iowa State University
Engin Sungar, University of Minnesota – Morris
Bradley Thiessen, Touro University
Andrew Tierman, Saginaw Valley State University
Bruce Trumbo, University of California – Hayward
Liping Wang, General Electric Global Research
Xuixia (Judy) Wang, North Carolina State University
Barbara Ward, Belmont University
Sheila Weaver, University of Vermont
Aaron Weinberg, Ithaca College
Sharon L. Weinberg, New York University
David Weltman, University of Texas – Arlington
Marie Wiberg, Umea University, Sweden
Chris Wild, University of Auckland
Bethany White, University of Western Ontario
Dex Whittinghill, Rowan University
Larry Winner, University of Florida
Tommy Wright, U.S. Census Bureau
Jacqueline Wroughton, Northern Kentucky University
Ruth Wunderlich, University of Texas – Austin
Tasneem Zaihra, University of New Brunswick-St. John
Andrew Zieffler, University of Minnesota