An International Journal on the Teaching and Learning of Statistics
JSE Referees 2004 - 2005
The Journal of Statistics Education gratefully acknowledges
the following people who have served as referees between December 2004 and November 2005:
Sarah K. Abramowitz, Drew University
Jim Albert, Bowling Green State University
Doug Andrews, Wittenberg College
Richard Auer, Loyola College, Baltimore
Barb Barnett, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Jeff Bay, Maryville College
Gabriella M. Belli, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Christopher R. Bilder, Oklahoma State University
Carol Joyce Blumberg, Winona State University
Robert Buck, Slippery Rock University
Gloria Caldito, Louisiana State University Health Sciences
Ann R. Cannon, Cornell College
Robert H. Carver, Stonehill College
Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University
Douglas L. Cashing, St. Bonaventure University
Beth L. Chance, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Justin Chimka, University of Arkansas
George W. Cobb, Mount Holyoke College
David Coffey, Grand Valley State University
Christine Anderson Cook, Los Alamos Labs
Phyllis Curtis, Grand Valley State University
Herbert A. David, Iowa State University
Robert C. delMas, University of Minnesota
Concetta DePaollo, Indiana State University
E. Jacquelin Dietz, Meredith College
Philip Dixon, Iowa State University
William M. Duckworth II, Iowa State University
Diane Evans, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Scott Evans, Harvard University
Bob Fontenot, Whitman College
Christine A. Franklin, University of Georgia
Christine Fratto, Penn State University
Jesse Frey, Villanova University
Brooke Fridley, University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Amy G. Froelich, Iowa State University
John Gabrosek, Grand Valley State University
Joan B. Garfield, University of Minnesota
Tom Gariepy, Stonehill College
Gerald Giraud, Oglala Lakota College
Robert L. Gould, UCLA
Xun Gu, Iowa State University
Ellen Gundlach, Purdue University
Eric Gutstein, University of Illinois at Chicago
William Hammack, Nova Southeastern University
Brad Hartlaub, Kenyon College
Bob Hayden, Plymouth State University
Julie Hays, University of St. Thomas
Tim Hendrix, Meredith College
Cory Heilmann, Iowa State University
Klaus Hinkelman Virginia Polynechnic and State University
Joyce M. Hoffman, Stephen F. Austin University
Heike Hoffmann, Iowa State University
Nicholas Horton, Smith College
Brian Jersky, Sonoma State University
Roger W. Johnson, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Joy Jordan, Lawrence University
Michael Kahn, Wheaton College
Danny Kaplan, Macalester College
Stephen Kass Drew University
John Ketterning
Kenneth Koehler, Iowa State University
Peter Lachenbruch, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
David Lane, Rice University
Joseph Lang, University of Iowa
Michael D. Larsen, Iowa State University
Judy Legler, St. Olaf College
Lawrence M. Lesser, University of Texas - El Paso
Robin H. Lock, St. Lawrence University
Sharon Lohr, Arizona State University
Fred Lorenz, Iowa State University
Tom Loughin, Kansas State University
Thomas Love, Case Western Reserve University
Ranjan Maitra, Iowa State University
Christopher J. Malone, Winona State University
Constance McClaren, Indiana State University
Alan McLean, Monash University
Jackie Miller, The Ohio State University
Thomas L. Moore, Grinnell College
Daniel Mundgrom, University of Northern Colorado
Dan Nettleton, Iowa State University
Robert Norman, New York University
Angela O'Donnell, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Irena Ograjensek, University of Ljubljana
Chris Olsen, Cedar Rapids School District
Patrick Onghena, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Maxine Pfannkuch, Auckland University
Al Reiff, Taft School
Diann Reischman, Grand Valley State University
Mary Richardson, Grand Valley State University
Paul Roback, St. Olaf College
Neal Rogness, Grand Valley State University
Jorge Romeu, Syracuse University
Allan Rossman, California Polytechnic and State University
Norean Radke Sharpe, Babson College
Michael Shaughnessy, Portland State University
Thomas H. Short, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Gary Skaggs, Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Woollcott Smith, Temple University
Eric R. Sowey, University of New South Wales
Dalene Stangl, Duke University
Donna L. Sundre, James Madison University
W. Robert Stephenson, Iowa State University
Jessica Utts, University of California, Davis
Stijn Vanhoof, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Stephen Vardeman, Iowa State University
Barbara Ward, Belmont University
Bard Warner, United States Air Force Academy
Adam Weimer, The Ohio State University
Sharon Weinberg, New York University
Steven Wise, James Madison University
Jeff Witmer, Oberlin College
Edward Wolfe, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Roger Woodard, North Carolina State University
Mustafa Yilmaz, Northeastern University
John Zhang, Indiana University of Pennsylvania