Rachel Sturm-Beiss
Kingsborough Community College
(City University of New York)
Journal of Statistics Education Volume 13, Number 1 (2005), jse.amstat.org/v13n1/sturm-beiss.html
Copyright © 2005 by Rachel Sturm-Beiss, all rights reserved. This text may be freely shared among individuals, but it may not be republished in any medium without express written consent from the authors and advance notification of the editor.
Key Words: ANOVA; Java applet
The ANOVA model is the simplest linear statistical model with qualitative independent variables. ANOVA, together with simple linear regression, form a foundation for the study of general linear models. However, exercises relating ANOVA model parameters and calculated quantities are not easy to formulate. As a result, typical textbook exercises emphasize calculations, leaving the model as an abstract entity. Therefore, it is of pedagogical value to have ancillary materials that help students visualize model parameters and their relationship to sample observations. We present a tool (in the form of a java applet) that emphasizes the ANOVA probabilistic model by placing model parameters along-side observations, and giving the student the ability to manipulate values and to observe resulting effects, thus removing some of the abstraction. Taur (1999) introduced an excellent example of such a teaching tool for nonlinear regression, called “Visual Fit” and Anderson-Cook and Dorai-Raj (2003) reviewed such java applets that demonstrate the power of a test.
The ANOVA one-way approach here recommended starts with treatment group means mi for i=1,2,3 and variance (the two-way model consists of two factor variables with three and two factor levels each). Random normal N(mi, ) samples are generated within each treatment group and estimated sample means, variances and other quantities are calculated and displayed. We display data, actual parameter values, and estimated parameter values in a scatter plot augmented with graphs, ANOVA table, explanations, and exercises. The student can change parameter values (through standard window’s interface such as “drag-and-drop”, text boxes, list boxes etc. ) and observe the effect on calculated quantities and model significance. Guided exercises and explanations help the student in this process. This visual teaching tool differs from traditional exercises in which sample observations (but not parameter values) are available. In particular, the student is able to generate many random samples for the same set of parameters and to get a feel for statistical significance as a phenomenon that emerges over a large number of random samples.
E(Yijk) = + + +
Yijk = the kth obswervation in the ijth group
+ + + = = the mean of the treatment group corresponding to the ith level of A and the jth level of B
, i = 1, 2, 3 are factor A main effects
, j = 1, 2 are factor B main effects
, i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2 are the AB interaction effects
We assume that factor variables A and B may interact. If there is no interaction, then the interaction effects are all 0, and the model is additive: = + . The following figures and the comments below them illustrate some of the features of the ANOVA tool.
Applets such as the one described here are tools that could easily be incorporated into lectures and assignments as
accessibility through the internet is simple and not costly. We believe that the ANOVA and other related java applet
visual teaching tools can help students of statistics and students from related disciplines gain a better understanding
of ANOVA and other statistical techniques.
The ANOVA Visualization Tool can be viewed by clicking on
Anova Applet or by going to the author's web site at
Anderson-Cook, C. M. and Dorai-Raj, S (2003), “Making the Concepts of Power and Sample Size Relevant and Accessible to
Students in Introductory Statistics Courses using Applets,” Journal of Statistics Education [Online] 11 (3)
Hogg, R., and Craig, A. (1995), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (5th ed.), New York: Macmillan.
Neter, J., Wasserman, W., and Kutner, M.H. (1990), Applied Linear Statistical Models, Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
Taur, Y., and McCulloch, C. (1999), “A Teaching Tool for Nonlinear Regression: Visual Fit,” Journal of Statistics Education
[Online], 7 (2)
3.2 Demonstrate a type I error - One Way Model:
A type I error occurs when a true null hypothesis is rejected. The ANOVA null hypothesis states that
treatment group means are equal. Align the treatment group means horizontally (so that they are all equal). As expected,
the ANOVA table F-test will probably not be significant, indicating that there is not enough evidence to
conclude that the treatment group means differ. Choose a sample size of 4. Press the “New Sample” button repeatedly until
you get a significant F-test. Now, treatment group means are equal, however, the significant F-test incorrectly
rejects the hypothesis stating that the means are equal. This is an example of a type I error: a true null hypothesis is
3.3 Estimate the probability of a type II error - One Way Model:
A type II error occurs when a false null hypothesis is not rejected. For one-way ANOVA the error occurs
when the means are unequal however, the hypothesis of equal means is not rejected. Adjust the means (blue squares) so that
they are close in value but not equal. Choose a sample size of 4. Estimate the probability of a type-two error by pressing
the “New Sample” button repeatedly and calculate the percentage of insignificant F-tests. This percentage is the estimate
of a type II error for the given treatment group means. Now move the means further apart and repeat the exercise. Now
choose a larger sample size and repeat the exercise.
3.4 Show that when factor variables do not interact the two-way model is additive - Two Way Model:
Align the line graph corresponding to the first level of B (connecting the dark purple means) and the line graph
corresponding to the second level of B (connecting the light purple means) so that they are parallel. This is the case
when there is no interaction between factor variables A and B. Now notice that
= +
+ ,
i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2. All the values are displayed on the plot. The values
, i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2 are the light gray numbers next to each
treatment mean square. Thus, we see that when there is no interaction we have an “additive model”.
4. Conclusion
We demonstrated this applet at a professional development seminar (CyberProf) given recently at City University of
New York (CUNY). The participants had varied science backgrounds. They expressed interest in using the applet for their
statistic students. Those who had some exposure to ANOVA were pleased to have their knowledge of the technique enhanced
by the demonstration.
Rachel Sturm-Beiss
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Kingsborough Community College
City University of New York
2001 Oriental Boulevard
Brooklyn, New York 11235
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